today--we sprint! Today was the Interval Workout/Sprints. In my opinion, you just don't sprint for miles. There is something wrong with that! Anyway, the work was: 10 min warm up, 1 mile sprint, 400m rest, 2 mile sprint, 800m rest, then 2 X 800m with 400m rest in the middle. Whoaaaa! Basically in a nutshell, i sprinted a 5K race, with a tiny rest in the middle. However, may i clarify that what i am calling a "sprint" is really just a fast jog to most. And when i race, i do run faster than my "sprinting" pace i am talking about here, but when you put it into terms of marathon pace--it seems like a sprint, so I'm going with it! Don't judge :-)
Elvis update!!!
not good :-( After i run, i can't do much of anything that involves using your abs----whiiiiiich is about everything. Lifting my leg to get off the treadmill is a struggle, sitting up in bed is painful, and with this cough I've had for over a week, Elvis is hurting more! Now, we've all tried to diagnose our issues, pains, symptoms, etc via WebMD, google, and various other sites. I have also done the same! I saw the trainer at my school and he mentioned to me about a sports hernia. That was early on in the Elvis fiasco, and it wasn't something i ever thought I'd entertain, but with the weeks passing and Elvis still there, its something I'm starting to research. This has been going on 15 weeks!!!! Something has got to give! There is no way that someone could have a 'strained' muscle for 15 weeks--i just won't buy that!
So i ask you guys: has anyone experienced this? know someone who has? similar pain in the rectus abdominis? know a good specialist should i decide to go see one? I really need to do something about this and i just feel kind of lost as to where to go from here. I tried resting and it didn't change anything for the long term. It felt better while i rested but as soon as i resumed activity (after about 2 1/2 weeks of solid rest) it started right back up again. Ugh apparently if its not one thing, its another with me and training for races!
Happier note--i think its time for new sneaks! Who doesn't love new sneaks?! I hate breaking them in the first couple of workouts, but generally speaking, new shoes are awesomeee!
Also, no annoying gym tendencies to report today either. I was in the girls on room, which luckily doesn't get too crowded. I went in there because out in the main gym, on the the treadmill next to the only other one open, was what we call "the sign of the cross grunter". He runs and runs and runs some more. He gets so sweaty and just keeps going. All the while just doing the sign of the cross over and over and over again for the entire run! Occasionally he will let out a big loud sigh or grunt. The first time i heard it i almost fell off the treadmill-literally! After reading my own posts, I've decided--MY GYM IS FULL OF WEIRDOS! :-) Not everyone, but it has its fair share!
Tomorrow is going to be a tempo run. I'm not exactly sure what it is, but i think its 2 easy, 3 tempo, 2 easy. nooooooooo problem! Then 16-er this weekend... not letting my brain go there quite yet!
I agree! I've personally experienced the "the sign of the cross grunter" myself. I remember running the Brielle 10K about 5 years or so ago and being able to hear him about a half mile away. Yikes! I believe he has a form of Tourettes that gets worse when he runs...not sure why though. I've also served him at Clancys... he used to come in and just order a house salad with extra blue cheese but no grunts or crosses while he was there. Very puzzling!