So Sunday Funday consisted of running 16 miles before Super Bowl time!
I woke up at around 815 and went right to the kitchen to get my breakfast in. I had one slice of bread toasted, with peanut butter and sliced up bananas on it. Then i finished the banana off with just some peanut butter and drank a bottle of water. I think my bfast selection was a good factor in my run, but also the fact that i was able to "use the facilities" if you will before i ran was a HUGE help!
So we met up (the 4 of us) at around 1030 am and started in the south end of Spring Lake. We stretched, we chatted, and off we went! Running north. I was pretty quiet for the first few miles. I was really trying to convince myself that i was having fun! Last time, when we ran the 14 i started out quick-ish and was really talkative, and perhaps used too much energy? ha, i don't really know about that, but i just was trying it out the other way to see how it was. So, we got to be about 4 miles in when i was feeling okay about our run. I mean after all, we were almost to 5 miles which means, you guessed it, SNACK TIIIIIIME!!! Yesssss! So at 5 miles i had my first running snack, Orange flavored Jelly Belly Sport Jelly Beans---oh yum!!!! I really liked them and they tasted awesome. Have you any idea how hard it is to chew jelly beans and run at the same time? It is kinda tough i will say, but i got them down and they tasted way better than GU! At this point we were in Ocean Grove almost to Asbury. Of course, since we were doing 16 we kept on running. Through Asbury Convention Hall and i breezed right by the bathroom--i was happy. I felt that the lady or man on the TV commericals that has some type of bladder control/gastric problem, where at the end they take the pills from the commercial and they walk right past the bathroom with a smile because they "aren't letting it control them anymore" lol. Its the small victories along the way for me :-)
So we ran into Loch Arbor and then Allenhurst before we turned around to go all the way back. By the turn around, i was assessing my situation. I turned to Danny at 8.5 miles and said "I feel great!". When we got to 10 miles, it was GU time. Bleeeeeck! I had Lemon Sublime and it is a struggle to get that crap down. Thank goodness i run with a water bottle or else i might just throw up trying to eat that stuff. Which would probably defeat the purpose of actually having it! I really need to go to a different store that sells GU individ so i can get different flavors. YES i KNOW i already asked you all about this--but I'm a busy girl, i will get to it!
Once through Belmar, and back into Spring Lake i was getting excited and antsy to be done :-) I also pointed out to my running comrades how little i complained this run (don't be shocked--this is a true statement)! They appreciated it.
Now I'm not going to lie, this run was no walk in the park. My knees were getting a little sore by the end, but i did proactively take 3 Advil before we left in order to prevent any soreness i might have gotten. But i have to say, in comparison this run was much better than long runs before. It really helped my confidence because i was able to stay with my group the whole way, and at some points was even pulling out front a little bit. However, as much as i enjoyed the improvements in myself this run, i still love being DONE. Done is my favorite! :-)
Elvis is still being a punk ass. I am making an appointment with someone who can hopefully diagnosis this and tell me if running is making it worse, or if its just gonna stay status quo or whats going on. I'll keep you posted as i know more. But the fact that i was able to eat something that worked for me, and go to the bathroom before we ran, really helped things. The pressure i felt in my abdomen during the 14 was unreal. Elvis was hurting plus i had a lot of other GI pressures, i couldn't really imagine being worse. So this week, having a better handle of the GI tract-ness has made for only one discomfort in the abdomen which was do-able. One i can handle, more than that and i quit! :-)
So today i had a Math Meet after school which meant no gym. I should be niiiiiiiice and rested for tomorrows sprints oh joy!
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