One-Four-One tempo run today. One mile easy/warm up, 4 miles at tempo--which for me was 9:30's, one mile easy/cool down. I wouldn't say that this run was particularly HARD or strenuous per say, but I'm just darn tired of the treadmill! When you run outside, you run to a specific spot or destination. Even if you don't make it all the way to the spot you had planned on, you still make it SOMEWHERE! Which then in turns means you have to make it back to the place you started. The treadmill doesn't have such appeal. You get on, and you go and you go and you go some more...and your still in the same place you were in when you started. This is why it has been sooo hard for me to fight my urge to hop on the rails, take a break, or just decide to get off because i don't want to go anymore! Regardless--i chugged on! I was happy to have finished and of course LOVED being done. Have i mentioned Done is my favorite? :-)
While running i had a few thoughts in my head--particularly about...sweat! I was going literally crazy with the way i was sweating today. When i run outside, i imagine i sweat in the same pattern and same amount as i did inside on the treadmill. However, when i'm running inside, i can not stand the way it feels on my face. I have this need to wipe it off all the time! This need was how i hit the emergency stop button last week during the 9 mile tempo run while reaching for my towel--ugh! While that didn't happen today, i was really getting annoyed with the little beads running down my face. In addition to just the general annoyance i was suffering, i also realized how must sweat collects in your ears. I am pretty sure that ear holes (where you put your headphones) don't sweat. Except the sweat kept running down the sides of my head and right into these said ear holes. Without headphones, nothing would have bothered me about this, but with headphones i was really getting annoyed. My ear buds kept sliding right out of my ears! I must have looked like a weirdo because i kept taking my sleeve or my towel and wiping out my ears and wiping off my headphones. And they just would not stay in! I use Apple iPod headphones, so if anyone out there uses different headphones that stay in even if your sweaty, OR if you have better headphones that this doesn't happen to, please do share/comment!!
This by far is the most frustrating and hard to handle injury I've ever had! No one seems to know how to diagnosis, no one seems to know how to treat, and its just not getting better! The doctor i saw yesterday told me that he doesn't think anything worse can happen if i continue to run so i can get through this training and marathon, and then told me to come back and see him after the race for the next step. That will probably involve 4 weeks of constant steady rest and round the clock anti-inflams so try to get this healed up. If that doesn't work then they will have to look into more invasive options. I just don't feel happy with this. I'm not looking to go under the knife by ANY means, but i just want someone, anyone, to know what I'm talking about with this Sports Hernia and someone that knows what to do about it, be able to help me, or has gone through it themselves. Suggestions welcome!!
So, tomorrow i rest, Saturday is Manasquan mid-winter run, and then Sunday is 18 miler with the foursome. YAY Moe is home!!!
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