
long run--one mile for every degree outside!

Today's work out:  long run--14 Miles in the freezing cold 18 degree weather on the boardwalk.

Even typing it, it sounds like a lot.  Its barely half the distance of the marathon.  Overwhelmed officially.

Today's run started out great.  Yes it was cold, but i dressed right.  I ate a good lunch before hand.  I drank water all morning before the run.  Seemingly i was all set to go out there and knock this one outta the park.  Me, Moe, Mike, and Danny met at the boardwalk in Belmar with a fire in our eyes to tackle this run.  We started out strong headed south 7 miles so we could turn around and run 7 miles back.  Do you have any idea how far 7 miles south of the Belmar Fishing Club is?  I'll put it to you this way--if you were traveling in your car it would probably take you 15/20 mins to drive it.  Uhh yes i know, crazy!  We ran through Belmar, Spring Lake, Sea Girt, and Manasquan.  I felt strong through the first 6.5 but by the time we got to the turn-around, Elvis was certainly with me in full force.  It was like my legs had cinder-blocks attached to them.  Regardless i pressed on.  Ha honestly what choice was there--i was 7 miles from the car!  It was about this time i tried out "Gu" for the first time.  'Lemon-line sublime' was certainly a surprising taste if you will.  Ever seen the deco cake decorating icing you can buy at the store?  Umm yes this is what Gu was like.  Certainly a tough one to get down.  I'll give it another go next week, but if anyone has other suggestions of running energy-ness please do share!!

By the time we got back to Sea Girt, i noticed i was kind of holding the team back.  My sister had wings at this point and she was flyyyyying!  I was really proud of how she pulled together after 10 miles and just took off.  Mike was checking up on me and even offered a piggy back ride--which i begrudgingly declined.  Through Sea Girt and into Spring Lake--i knew we were close but i was fading fast.  I was starting to slow down, but i knew i had to keep going--the car was still a mile and a half away!  By the time i got back to Belmar i was sure Elvis was going to jump out of my pelvis.  I was feeling just downright ill and sick to my stomach.  All i could think was how on earth i could ever run 12 more miles than this for the marathon. 

Arriving back at the car, i never felt more relieved and happy.  After all, i really needed to use the bathroom!  Its mind boggling what running distances like this does to your body.  Dehydration--check!  Sugar levels drop--check!  Salt all messed up from sweating--check!  Sore joints and muscles--CHECK!  Bathroom necessities like you couldn't imagine--check!  I'm really proud of myself and my "study buddies" after this run.  We got out there in 18 degree weather and ran a great run.  Its almost halfway through our Training Schedule and i feel so sure the 3 of them are READY to kick this marathon's @$$!!

This week i am planning on having a nice long chat with Elvis.  If he insists on tagging along for our runs, he needs to keep the inflammation and pain to an absolute minimum and leave the rest of my insides alone to run in peace!  Also, i need to assess the long run morning diet.  If any of you runners out there have a sensitive stomach--what do you eat before your long run to help you through without making you too heavy or sick?


  1. ok...very much enjoyed the blog...but you were not holding back the team EVER!! i sure wish elvis would just jump out of your pelvis already. i think he's overstayed his welcome...actually, i don't think he was ever welcome. nonetheless, i'm going to be brave and try some other GU's next weekend as well!

  2. Here's what I have in respect to beds for the 3/26 weekend in DC...queen bed in 2nd floor guest room (w/bath); full bed in 3rd floor guest room (w/bath); queen Aero-bed mattress; queen pull out couch in living room. As it gets closer, let me know whom to expect so I have enough sheets, towels, and rooms prepared.

    Run Forrest, run!
    Lynn B.

  3. YOU DID GREAT! We just ran. You carried Elvis and ran! Plus from the looks of him - it was the fat older Elvis and not the young fit guy. Freakin' Elvis!
