
There's so much to do and never any time..

I feel as though I've been a little Jessie Spano lately... so busy i didn't get to blog yesterday and its already 8:0 pm today!  Where does the time go?!

Yesterday was a cross training day which i was very happy to do :-)  The very usual and very ordinary StairMaster/elliptical cross training combo.  Although i did add in some squats, lunges, dips, and push-ups for good measure.  I felt good about the "rushed" workout.  So much so that i did some ab workout!  Maybe i can scare Elvis away with some good old fashion crunches.  They were cheating crunches though because i was on the bench where you put your legs up on the metal bars and there is a headrest that aides you in lifting up.  I'm not complaining!  I mean how could i?  I haven't been able to do a crunch or any type of ab workout since mid-October... eek!  Trust me, my "abs" need the work!  It was rushed though because Tuesdays swim meet was a later (430) start so i was able to get my workout in earlier before swim and then didn't have to fight the "Blahs" to get it done after.  The "blahs" are killer and can really de-rail your working out mojo---dangerous territory those 'blahs' are!!

Today when i woke up my body was haaaaating me over the squats and lunges i THOUGHT were a good idea yesterday--mmmm yeaaaaah not so much!  I felt like i aged 50 years over night!  The walking up the stairs at school today made me really wish I'd taken the elevator.. all of this leading up to a very intimidating 8 mile tempo run. 
The schedule says 8 mi tempo as 10K + 40 seconds pace.  When i arrived at the gym (in the gross slush and snow, soaking wet socks and shoes) i stood in front of MY treadmill and it looked like a mountain i had to climb on.  I did appreciate my stroke of luck that MY treadmill was open.  Lets just be clear--I'm not that crazy about any particular treadmills at the gym, however when I am running 8 miles in marathon training, its going to take me longer than an hour.  Most treadmills will not let you set it for longer than 60 mins, but MY treadmill luckily doesn't have this setting apparently.  So i climb on up and feel the pressure of the run ahead of me.  I was so sore i couldn't imagine watching 5 steps let alone the 8-er. 
I started with a veeeery slow walk and gradually increased it to a jog.  I did the 8 mile tempo part of the run at a 9:40 min/mile.  My biggest challenge/goal with this 8 mile tempo was to run the whole time and not hop off onto the rails of the tread.  I've mentioned this before as a very big problem of mine and I've been trying to change it.  Moe has been a big motivator in all of this.  She's helped me see that mileage is most important and pace is secondary.  I need to do it at a pace that's comfortable if i want to reach my (and Elvis's) goal of running the whole time without stopping for this marathon.  So today, i put on my iPod, started the treadmill, and just kept telling myself over and over that i didn't want to hop off!  Whoa was it hard!  I realized how many times that thought crosses my mind--i wanted to take at least 10 breaks.  Also, i had the TV off so i basically just stared at myself for 8 miles--ha that sounds weird when i say it.  I tried it out to help me get into "the zone"! 
On top of all of this i think last weekends 14-er in the cold winter weather has given me a pretty gross cough.  Made for a bit of a harder run but STILL i wouldn't stop and take a break.  I kinda had my sister in the back of my brain telling me not too--i did NOT want to disappoint!

Overcoming bad habits is something we all should probably do a bit more often... i've started with some of my running bad habits but could certainly filter this into the rest of my life--ehh one task at a time :-)

Tomorrow is thursday---REST DAY!  :-)  We all saw that one coming!  Then friday cross train and saturday cross train for a long run sunday this weekend.

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