
i'm done already!?

Today was IW's.  To be really honest, they were a joke at this point in the marathon training.  It was 10 minute warm up, then 5 X (2 mins fast/2 mins easy), 10 minute cool down.  It ended up only being 3.66 miles and 38 minutes.  Don't get me wrong, I'll take it!  But it just seemed that i was beyond this.  The rest of our runs this week are going to be a bit more challenging so that's probably why we have an easy IW day.  Just to be fair to you all as well, i am saying this run was easy, however i definitely worked to get it done and i got sweaty too!  I think i am starting to get sick again though so i've been trying to take it easy this week and make sure i'm ready for the long run this weekend.  I'm already coughing up "stuff" and i'm just reaaaaally hoping it doesn't get worse and i don't get a stuffy head!  This week we have an 8 mile tempo run (I'm doing it Thursday) and then 20 miles on Saturday.  Yes folks, you read it correctly, TWENTY--TWO then a ZERO.  20 ahhhhhh!!!  To tell you the truth, i haven't really wrapped my head around that quite yet.  We haven't figured out course yet, and more importantly i haven't figured out my snacks yet! 
For the 8 mile tempo i'm going to WOW in Wall and hope that its just as pleasant as last weeks and we have a repeat of  my "That was easy!" moment!  Then for the 20, the four-some will be meeting again, hopefully my GI cooperates, and then we will figure out our mileage from there. 

1 comment:

  1. Thought this might be helpful!

    Prerace Nutrition Tips From Runner's World.com http://shar.es/3AVNp
